Shadowing for College Students
Regardless of the educational track a student is pursuing at their college, we offer an avenue for learning more about Music Therapy and the clinical work that we do here at Upstate Music Therapy Center. The student is approved to observe one or more sessions after completing the Shadowing Request and Agreement Form. Completed forms should be emailed to [email protected] . Once the form is received, the student will be contacted by our Education Coordinator, Rebecca Szalay, LCAT, MT-BC, who will assist in coordinating the shadowing experience.
We welcome the following students to request shadowing
- Non – Music Major
- Music Major – Not Music Therapy
- Music Therapy Major
- Potential Music Therapy Intern
We also offer Nazareth College affiliated Observe and Assist Clinical Placement opportunities for Music Therapy majors, which should be coordinated through your college Music Therapy Department supervisor.