Part 2: Is Mindfulness Safe for Everyone?

Part 2: Is Mindfulness Safe for Everyone?

In Part 1 of our Summer 2021 Mindfulness Blog Series, we learned what Mindfulness is and is not.  We also answered the question about its link to religion.  We encourage you to read all the blogs within the series for a comprehensive understanding.   

Today we would like to focus on the question of, Is mindfulness a safe practice for everyone?  It certainly appears on the surface that mindfulness would be a safe exercise to learn and for many individuals it is, however, there are some important considerations.  Below we will explore the first three of six, in hopes of learning the best way to practice mindfulness and whether further thought should be explored before jumping into using it.   


A clear definition of mindfulness should be understood.  

  • Before practicing any new exercises, it is always a wise choice to fully understand what is involved.  If you are learning from a life coach, mental health therapist, or yoga instructor there is usually a discussion and confirmation that the individual understands and would like to learn mindfulness.  Always ask for clarity if it is not shared.  
  • On the other hand, there are circumstances in which individuals, including our youth, who find themselves in a scholastic or community group where it is presented without a great deal of explanation or opportunity for having questions answered.  And in some cases, there is no way for the individual to opt out.  This can cause some unintentional harm to a participant, so should be seriously considered prior to introducing mindfulness.  

Meditation is NOT the only way to present mindfulness.   

  • Because meditation is one of the first things that comes to a person’s mind when they hear mindfulness, they may not be willing to try this practice.  Although meditation can be a very helpful mindfulness tool, some individuals will reject the concept of mindfulness all together if they think meditation is required. 
  • Closing eyes is not a necessity when practicing mindfulness.  If an individual is resistant to closing their eyes during meditation or another mindfulness exercise that is perfectly fine.  Focal points within a room or a favorite drawing or photo is a great way to focus the mind and eliminate visual distractions.  

The person helping you to learn mindfulness should be practicing it as well.  

  • When learning mindfulness from another individual it is a very appropriate question to ask if they are practicing mindfulness.  It is very important to have experienced the feelings and challenges that go along with perfecting the skill of mindfulness.  If the leader is not doing so on a regular basis, they will have trouble guiding others. 
  • An effective mindfulness leader will acknowledge that there are many ways to practice mindfulness and guide each person into a specialized plan that will allow them to be successful.   

We hope you will join us in the coming weeks for Part 3 of our Summer 2021 Mindfulness Blog Series, where will highlight the last three considerations to insure safe mindfulness practice. 

Parenting: Finding Calm in the Chaos (Part 1)

Parenting: Finding Calm in the Chaos (Part 1)

Whether you are a parent or not, everyone appreciates calm. Life creates more opportunities for noise,
busyness, tension, and high energy activity than it does for relaxing and peaceful moments. It is for this
reason that adults, teens, and children alike will need to be intentional to find calm. In this first part of our two-part blog, we would like to focus on the needs of parents. What it is like for a parent or foster
parent while raising children? What if they have 2 or more children in their home and one or more has
special needs? That certainly adds complexity into the parenting experience. Their work can be very
hard but incredibly rewarding with the right resources.

Finding Peace on Earth

Finding Peace on Earth

As we wind down 2021 with all its twists and turns we look toward a new year. Most people look forward with hope, that life might be easier, less chaotic, and filled with family, friends, good health and happiness. Christmas and Holiday cards send best wishes for a joyous and peaceful new year. There is a very real hunger and thirst for peace, for peace on this earth.

Sounds That Scare Our Children

Sounds That Scare Our Children

It can be common to see children plug their ears or show displeasure toward an unexpected, loud, high
pitched or popping sound, however, how do we know when it is time to get professional help for our
child whose responses appear severe. A quick reaction to a sound means the child is responding to their
good survival instincts so it’s all normal, right?

Part 1: What is Mindfulness?

Part 1: What is Mindfulness?

Over the last two decades the word “mindfulness” has been used frequently by people all over the world.  With its original roots in Eastern Culture as a core tenet in Buddhism, and massive spread into Western Culture’s practices of psychotherapy, acceptance-based therapy, as well as yoga and meditation practices – the concept of mindfulness can be confusing.   

Is this something I want to learn or use?  If I participate in mindfulness does this mean that I am practicing the Buddhist faith?  Is it a safe practice for all people?  Is there anything I should be aware of before beginning mindfulness? What exactly is mindfulness? 

We look forward to exploring these questions and more in our four-part Summer 2021 Mindfulness Blog Series.  In this first blog we want to start with the question: What is Mindfulness?  Depending on who you speak with this definition may look a little different, however most mental health therapists will provide their clients with a similar definition.  

Mindfulness is an awareness of thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and behavioral urges.  

By learning mindfulness, we are empowered to be in charge of ourselves in a different way.  It has been proven that awareness assists in emotional regulation.  Mindfulness can be practiced using one or more of these complimentary activities: eating, walking, laying down, engaging in relaxing breathing, listening to music, completing an art project, coloring, woodworking, watching TV, driving, working, etc.  In some cases, individuals bring mindfulness into their prayer life, noticing when they become distracted and returning their attention back to the prayer.   

Many who come to us for a visit associate mindfulness only with meditation and religion, but it is much broader than that.  If you participate in mindfulness, it does not mean that you are practicing Buddhism or any other religion.  Mindfulness is a practice of being aware of the present moment regardless of the activity the person is engaged in A few of the many benefits of adopting mindfulness are a more relaxed body, a focused mind, the ability to resist an urge, and for some handle a big emotion more successfully.   

But with all this goodness comes the reality that mindfulness is not always safe for everyone, especially when experienced in group environments or when mental health challenges cause this practice to intensify disassociation or be thrown back into a traumatic event.  We look forward to sharing more about the importance of using mindfulness in a safe way in our upcoming blogs in the four-part Summer 2021 Mindfulness Blog Series.   



Parenting: Finding Calm in the Chaos (Part 1)

Parenting: Finding Calm in the Chaos (Part 1)

Whether you are a parent or not, everyone appreciates calm. Life creates more opportunities for noise,
busyness, tension, and high energy activity than it does for relaxing and peaceful moments. It is for this
reason that adults, teens, and children alike will need to be intentional to find calm. In this first part of our two-part blog, we would like to focus on the needs of parents. What it is like for a parent or foster
parent while raising children? What if they have 2 or more children in their home and one or more has
special needs? That certainly adds complexity into the parenting experience. Their work can be very
hard but incredibly rewarding with the right resources.

Finding Peace on Earth

Finding Peace on Earth

As we wind down 2021 with all its twists and turns we look toward a new year. Most people look forward with hope, that life might be easier, less chaotic, and filled with family, friends, good health and happiness. Christmas and Holiday cards send best wishes for a joyous and peaceful new year. There is a very real hunger and thirst for peace, for peace on this earth.

Sounds That Scare Our Children

Sounds That Scare Our Children

It can be common to see children plug their ears or show displeasure toward an unexpected, loud, high
pitched or popping sound, however, how do we know when it is time to get professional help for our
child whose responses appear severe. A quick reaction to a sound means the child is responding to their
good survival instincts so it’s all normal, right?

Using Creative Arts Therapy to Treat Eating Disorders

Using Creative Arts Therapy to Treat Eating Disorders

With so many health concerns in our country and worldwide it is easy to focus on the pandemic as the leading health concern.  The reality is, especially during the pandemic due to the added anxiety and unpredictability, the intensity for those with eating disorders has risen, and this rise has been documented in children as young as 7 years old.  

Worldwide, over 70 million people are estimated to be affected by an eating disorder, including anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, and otherwise specified feeding eating disorders (OSFED).  Eating disorders have the HIGHEST MORTALITY RATE of any psychiatric illness. They affect people of all genders, sexual orientations, ages, socioeconomic class, abilities, races, and ethnic backgrounds.  

Children are increasingly becoming affected by diet culture and body shame. Studies show 40%-60% of girls 6-12 years old are worried about their body shape or weight. 80% of girls have been on a diet by the 4th grade. Of elementary school-aged kids, 69% of those who read magazines say they have influenced their body image, and 47% say the pictures make them want to lose weight. 

While parents are not to blame for eating disorders, they can be a very positive force when it comes to recognizing the signs, seeking out the right type of therapy, and helping their young child recover.  Some of the symptoms to look for are the refusal to eat, reduction in portion size, actively dieting, sudden changes in the diet, or social withdrawal.  However, some signs that a parent may not as easily notice may include body image concerns, fine hair growing on their body, hiding or hoarding food, weight loss hidden by baggier clothes, a sudden interest in excessive exercising, finding excuses to not be able to eat with others, and becoming angry when offered food.  

It takes a team of professionals to join families in helping their child or teenager recover.  Good news! When treated EARLY and correctly, eating disorders have the highest and fastest recovery rate!  

The therapeutic team is usually a group of clinicians and professionals who can guide the child with an eating disorder through the treatment and recovery process. Because of the complex nature of eating disorders, treatment for an eating disorder can often mean working with several qualified practitioners.  Creative Art Therapists may take part in the recovery of a child or teen struggling with a diagnosed eating disorder.   

Talk therapy is especially hard for individuals with an eating disorder.  They tend to be resistant to talk about the very thing that creates enormous anxiety for them.  Creative Art Therapists use music, art, creative writing, and movement to offer a safe space for self-expression and self-discovery.   

Creative Art Therapists may choose to use music with or without lyrics for relaxation exercises, learning proper breathing, or to address a particular topic such as body image.  Lyrics of the song can be discussed and even rewritten to fit what the individual wants to say or feels.  Writing an original piece of music or song with the assistance of the trained professional can be a powerful way to gain new insight.  Some clients find improvisation helpful in breaking out of their usual strict and ritualistic thoughts.  Younger children tend to prefer upbeat music elevating their mood and distracting them from unhelpful thoughts. Visuals paired with music might even be more engaging for some individuals.   

This video is one example of a book adapted into a song that might be used in therapy. 

Embrace Song and Video by Pevan & Sarah adapted from the book Embrace Your Body written by Taryn Brumfitt from Body Image Movement 

Creative Art Therapists may use art in the treatment of an individual who suffers from an eating disorder. The materials offered can include paint, masks, pastels, boxes, and a few extra materials on the table. The table becomes a place to begin an exploration using color, texture, patterns, shapes, two dimensional or three-dimensional pieces.  For people who suffer from eating disorders, art can offer a place of healing or simply an activity of distracting or self-soothing.  Art therapy, led by a qualified professional, can allow for a time of rest for a busy mind.  For a moment, it can assist in turning the mind from a willful place to a willing and visual perspective toward what recovery may look like, and that it is possible. 

Contact us if you or someone you know is looking for help with an eating disorder.

Parenting: Finding Calm in the Chaos (Part 1)

Parenting: Finding Calm in the Chaos (Part 1)

Whether you are a parent or not, everyone appreciates calm. Life is full of noise, busyness, tension, and high energy activity and we often struggle to find space for relaxing and peaceful moments. It is for this reason that adults, teens, and children alike will need...

Music Therapy for Children with Chronic Pain

Music Therapy for Children with Chronic Pain

Blog written by Katie Pistilli, MT-BC Chronic pain impacts an individual's entire life. Not only are there physical symptoms to cope with, but there is the emotional struggle of accepting that the pain is indefinite. While chronic pain is a tragedy for anyone going...

Sounds That Scare Our Children

Sounds That Scare Our Children

,It can be common to see children plug their ears or show displeasure toward an unexpected, loud, high pitched or popping sound. However, how do we know when it is time to get professional help for our child whose responses appear severe?  A quick reaction to a sound...

Developing Emotional Maturity in Children Using Social-Emotional Learning

Developing Emotional Maturity in Children Using Social-Emotional Learning

Blog post written by Katie Pistilli

If you’re a parent or professional in the education world, you’ve probably noticed new buzzword: Social-Emotional Learning. What is Social-Emotional Learning, and what does it have to do with public schools?  

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) was a term coined by an organization called CASEL, The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning. 

According to CASEL, Social-Emotional Learning is “the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.” 

SEL guidelines are proven to: 

  • Increase student’s pro-social skills 
  • Cultivate skills needed to maintain positive relationships 
  • Increase academic performance 
  • Decrease anxiety and depression. 

The impact of SEL curriculum spans well into a child’s adulthood, with evidence showing that children exposed to SEL are less likely to experience poverty or incarceration.

SEL is based on the acquisition of 5 core competenciesself-awareness, self-management, responsible decision-making, relationship skills, and social awareness.  

A social-emotional learning curriculum not only has an impact on individual students, but their community as a whole.  

Music Therapy and Social Emotional Learning 

In many ways, music therapists have addressed these benchmarks for decades in our schools. We know the innate social-emotional benefits of making music with others, learning an instrument, and interpreting music. Here are a few specific ways that music therapy addresses the 5 core SEL competencies 

1) Self-Awareness 

Self-Awareness ranges from identifying emotions to more complex skills such as linking thoughts to feelings. In music therapy these skills can be addressed with:  

  • Putting thoughts and feelings to music while songwriting 
  • Asking the question:  Is this song happy or sad? 

2) Self-Management  

Self-Management encompasses skills related to managing emotions and coping with stress. In music therapy, we can address these skills with:  

3) Responsible Decision-Making  

Responsible Decision-Making involves the ability to think critically of one’s actions and how our behavior impacts those around us. In music therapy this might look like: 

  • Learning how to play instruments and take care of them. 
  • Listening to peers in a group, being respectful and responding with kindness to their ideas 

4) Relationship Skills 

Relationship skills involve social behaviors such as developing friendships and communicating with others. Since music is an innately social experience, it is common to address these skills in music therapy. 

  • Learning social songs to help children remember and learn the nuances of social behavior such as having conversations or what to do when someone gives a complement. 
  • Cultivating a hobby or shared interest with a classmate through music. 

5) Social Awareness 

Social Awareness skills involve understanding the perspectives of others and cultivating empathy. In music therapy this may look like: 

  • Discussing the meaning behind lyrics and considering what an artist was trying to express. 
  • Sharing instruments and taking turns during group music making experiences.  

The COVID-19 pandemic taught us that now more than ever it is essential to take social-emotional learning seriously. The children in our community have so much to gain from adults in their lives valuing these skills.  

If you think music therapy could be a helpful resource for a child you know to work on Social-Emotional Learning skills, please contact us. We would love to hear from you! 

The Improve Your Mood Playlist

The Improve Your Mood Playlist

Blog Written By Rebecca Szalay  Do you ever notice when you are feeling down that you gravitate towards music that reflects that mood? How about when you’re excited?  Do you change the music if a slow or sad song comes on because you feel happy?  Music has the ability...

Nature’s Instruments: Making Music Outside

Nature’s Instruments: Making Music Outside

Spring is finally here! The daffodils are blooming, the Easter bunny made his visits, and families are itching to get out of the house. In the spring, the outside world is full of sounds. Last week, we shared the blog Pause and Hear the Sounds of Spring to practice...

Current Events: Thrive to Survive Workshop

Current Events: Thrive to Survive Workshop

Written by Katie Pistilli, MT-BC   This month, Upstate Music Therapy Center employees Erin Triola, LCAT, MT-BC and Katie Pistilli, MT-BC met a wonderful group of people through the Thrive to Survive support group. Katie and Erin conducted a workshop for Thrive to...

Mental Health Awareness: Equipping our Children

Mental Health Awareness: Equipping our Children

Mental health problems affect about 1 in 10 children and young people. They include depression, anxiety, and conduct disorder, and are often a direct response to what is happening in their lives. Alarmingly, however, 70% of children and young people who experience a mental health problem have not had appropriate interventions at a sufficiently early age.   

The emotional wellbeing of children is just as important as their physical health. Good mental health allows children and young people to develop the resilience to cope with whatever life throws at them and grow into well-rounded, healthy adults.  Equipping our children begins from the time they are born and is heavily impacted by consistency, predictability, and acknowledgement that children communicate through play.    

If we recognize that play is the language of a child and that they can and will communicate their thoughts, ideas, and concerns during play then it makes perfect sense to not only encourage play but to join our children in the act of play.  In comparison, maybe you have experienced the following. You ask your child how they are feeling or what is wrongPerhaps the response was a shrug of the shoulders, a brief answer with little detail, crying, yelling, or shutting down.  On the other hand, when a parent begins to play with their child noticing what they are choosing to play with, how their body looks while playing, or what they say, it quite often can give the parent a much clearer window into their emotions and thoughts.  This applies to teens as well.  They are more likely to interact and share while engaged in a game, while kicking a ball, or working on a project together.   

Consider this list of things that help keep children and young people mentally well in addition to having time and the freedom to play, indoors and outdoors. 

  • feeling loved, trusted, understood, valued and safe 
  • being interested in life and having opportunities to enjoy themselves 
  • being hopeful and optimistic 
  • being able to learn and having opportunities to succeed  
  • accepting who they are and recognizing what they are good at
  • having a sense of belonging in their family, school, and community 
  • feeling they have some control over their own life 
  • having the strength to cope when something is wrong (resilience) and the ability to solve problems. 
  • being in good physical health, eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise 
  • being part of a family that gets along well most of the time 

As parents we can do our very best to keep our children mentally healthy however the statistics show that fifty percent of mental illness begins by age 14, and three-quarters begins by age 24.   

What are the signs that my child needs to see a mental health professional? 

Consider seeking help if you notice changing eating or sleeping habits, engaging in destructive behaviorsself-destructive behaviorsextreme feelings of sadness or worrybehaving badly impacting life at school or home, isolating from friendsregressing such as bedwetting or clinginessincreased physical complaints, or talks about death frequently.  

If your child is experiencing suicidal thoughts, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 for support and assistance from a trained counselor. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911. 

Trained mental health professionals include PsychologistsClinical Social WorkersPsychiatrists, Mental Health Nurse Practitioners, Licensed Mental Health Counselors, and Licensed Creative Art Therapists.  To speak with an LCAT please fill out the form on the contact us tab. 


The Improve Your Mood Playlist

The Improve Your Mood Playlist

Blog Written By Rebecca Szalay  Do you ever notice when you are feeling down that you gravitate towards music that reflects that mood? How about when you’re excited?  Do you change the music if a slow or sad song comes on because you feel happy?  Music has the ability...

6 Creative Summer Activity Ideas

6 Creative Summer Activity Ideas

Written by Amy Thomas, MT-BC, LCAT Who needs summer ideas for your children and family? In this blog you will find fun, creative, and simpleideas for the summer months. Keeping it simpleWe’re aware that simple for one person may not be simple for another. For this...

Current Events: Thrive to Survive Workshop

Current Events: Thrive to Survive Workshop

Written by Katie Pistilli, MT-BC   This month, Upstate Music Therapy Center employees Erin Triola, LCAT, MT-BC and Katie Pistilli, MT-BC met a wonderful group of people through the Thrive to Survive support group. Katie and Erin conducted a workshop for Thrive to...

Holding a Safe Space to Heal from Trauma

Holding a Safe Space to Heal from Trauma

There has never been a more important time to ensure that our staff have a clear understanding of how to approach individuals using a trauma informed lens.  During June 2020, U.S. adults reported considerably elevated adverse mental health conditions associated with COVID-19. Younger adults, racial/ethnic minorities, essential workers, and unpaid adult caregivers reported having experienced disproportionately worse mental health outcomes, increased substance use, and elevated suicidal ideation.  Consider the impact on children, not having access to school as they have known. And even more concerning, the impact on children in abusive homes without an escape each day.  


“Traumatization occurs when both internal and external resources are inadequate to cope with external threat.”

Van der Kolk & Ducey, 1989.    


Trauma is caused from an injury or painful experience that has lasting, or potentially lasting, effect on your life.  It’s not the actual event that causes trauma but instead the way in which a person experiences the event.  Therefore, two people can be involved in the same accident and yet have different responses to that accident.  Three children may witness the divorce of their parents and yet need various levels of support ranging from no or minimal therapy to extensive therapy. 

Although we provide services to all ages, a large portion of our work is with individuals 21 and under. The statistics of trauma victims in this age bracket is higher than you might expect.   

  • 26% of children in the United States will witness or experience a traumatic event before they turn four.   
  • Nearly 35 million U.S. children have experienced one or more types of childhood trauma. 
  • About 1 in 10 in the U.S. experiences sexual abuse by the time they are 18 

As we began providing services remotely for children, we traditionally would see in school, it became clear that as therapists we were going to need to be creative and flexible.  Some students did not have the support to get on a Zoom session due to the lack of internet or computer and some were attempting to get on the call alone lacking a parent or guardian to assist them.  Other families shared during the Zoom call the impact they were experiencing due to the pandemic, including job loss, mental health challenges, and more. 

Being able to identify signs of trauma and approaching all individuals in therapy with a trauma informed lens was a necessity for our staffLast month, the Upstate Music Therapy Center staff participated in a training offered by the Monroe County System of Care, which was an overview of emotional trauma. Ten of our therapists were able to attend.  

Having a trauma informed lens is considered practicing universal precautions.  This means being sensitive to the impact of trauma on others and yourself, understanding and utilizing tools to support yourself and others in finding the ability to regulate emotions during times of stress; as well as identifying the system needed to reduce re-traumatization.   

Within our staff of Board Certified Music Therapists, three members of our team are also Licensed Creative Arts Therapists. LCATs are trained in psychotherapy and in specific arts disciplines, which may include dance/movement therapy, drama therapy, music therapy, poetry therapy and art therapy.   

Creative Arts Therapists use many forms of psychotherapy, mindfulness, relaxation techniques, and the arts to create an accepting environment for processing past traumatic memories and experiences.  We hold a safe space within the session for the client’s emotions and apprehensiveness to rise to the surface and acknowledge how difficult it is looking back and exploring thoughts that they would prefer to keep hidden.  The therapist offers creative ways in which the client can process feelings, sensations in their body, dreams, flashbacks, and rumination of thoughts.  As the client begins to realize that their level of distress is diminishing through therapy, they become empowered in the process, pushing on toward healing and recovery.  

If you, your child, or someone you know are experiencing big emotions, yet are unable to identify where they are coming from, or are having repeated unpleasant thoughts, we invite you to reach out and speak with one of our therapists about ways we can help you uncover and work through the underlying source of trauma and find peace. 



Finding Peace on Earth

Finding Peace on Earth

  Written by Amy Thomas, LCAT, MT-BC, C-DBT As we wind down 2021 with all its twists and turns we look toward a new year. Most people look forward with hope, that life might be easier, less chaotic, and filled with family, friends, good health and happiness....

Music Therapy for Children with Chronic Pain

Music Therapy for Children with Chronic Pain

Blog written by Katie Pistilli, MT-BC Chronic pain impacts an individual's entire life. Not only are there physical symptoms to cope with, but there is the emotional struggle of accepting that the pain is indefinite. While chronic pain is a tragedy for anyone going...

Sounds That Scare Our Children

Sounds That Scare Our Children

,It can be common to see children plug their ears or show displeasure toward an unexpected, loud, high pitched or popping sound. However, how do we know when it is time to get professional help for our child whose responses appear severe?  A quick reaction to a sound...