Blog post written by Kayla Davitt, MT-BC | Song recorded by Kayla Davitt, MT-BC The Christmas season is filled with many traditions. When I was growing up, my parents would allow my sister and I to open one present on Christmas Eve. I was always the first one awake on...

Book: Over the Rainbow
This blog post was written by Kayla Davitt, MT-BC
Sunshine on my face. Rainbows in the sky. Smiles on the faces of friends and family. This is what I picture summer to be like. However, in these tumultuous times, I often find myself forgetting to smile or to take a moment to appreciate the simple things in life. But, all that changed when I picked up Over the Rainbow by Judy Collins.
This book is full of beautiful illustrations (painted by Eric Puybaret) that are sure to put a smile on anyone’s face, young or old! Most of us have seen the classic movie “The Wizard of Oz” with Judy Garland. This book takes the famous song “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and transforms it into a storybook that you won’t want to put down!
At UMTC, we strive to encompass a child’s whole being through music. Now more than ever, it is imperative to focus on the mental health of our children. Staying at home can be quite challenging, especially when children are used to going to school every day. Reading Over the Rainbow with your child will encourage them to participate in a learning activity using music.
While reading this book or listening to the song and following along, your child will be able to practice a variety of skills such as answering questions and taking time to self-reflect. Here are a few suggestions to follow when reading this book with your child:
Even though we are in the midst of uncertain times, it may be helpful to encourage your child to engage in some self-reflection. What are some troubles or difficulties they are having while staying home? How does it make them feel? What would their “happy place” look like? Though these questions are geared more towards older students, younger students will still benefit from taking time to identify how they are feeling and what makes them happy.
Answering questions
This book is full of abstract pictures: a woman walking across a rainbow, bouncing from moon to stars, and flying with birds in the sky. Don’t be afraid to ask your child questions that will challenge their thinking. Are people able to fly like birds in the sky? How? Can a person walk on the moon? What would they need? Questions like these will encourage your child to think outside of the box while practicing their problem-solving skills.
Share your memories – Make it personal!
Do not be afraid to share your memories of hearing this song when you were a child. Explain to your child how this song makes you feel. Maybe express your thoughts and feelings about having to stay at home during this pandemic. Show your child how to self-reflect and identify their feelings.
Feel free to sing this song while reading the book or listen to this version performed by the famous Ella Fitzgerald:
We hope you enjoy using this book in your homeschooling adventures! For more resources and activities to use with your children, please visit our “Resources” tab located at the top of the page.
If you are interested in purchasing Over the Rainbow, click here to find it on Amazon.
Happy reading!