
Blog submitted by Kayla Davitt, MT-BC

Idea submitted by Erin Valvo, MT-BC

Baseball is a favorite American pastime. I love walking into a baseball stadium and being inundated with the smell of popcorn, the sound of fans, and the green grass. During this time of quarantine, we are forced to miss out on traveling to a stadium for a baseball game. But, with the storybook Take Me Out to the Ballgame by Jack Norworth and Alec Gillman, you can experience the beauty of a baseball game without having to leave the comfort of your home!

Younger children will be entranced by the beautiful illustrations, older children will be excited to learn about a favorite American sport, and you will love singing this simple and catchy classic! This quintessential storybook can target many skills such as reading comprehension and sequencing. If you have older children at home, here are some suggestions to keep in mind while using this classic song and storybook with them:

Discuss the history of baseball

A lot of older children enjoy learning about traditions and history, especially when sports are involved! This book is a great way to incorporate history, reading comprehension, and music in one loveable song! 

Encourage your child to use his or her imagination

Because this is such an unpredictable time, your child may enjoy taking a virtual field trip to a baseball stadium! The illustrations in this storybook specifically are so beautifully drawn that your child will feel as if they’re attending an actual game! Don’t be afraid to ask your child questions: perhaps who they would attend a game with or what teams they would like to see play against each other!

Put your child’s problem-solving skills to work

What would happen if the game was rained out? What if the pitcher gets injured during play? What happens if the game is tied at the end? Though these aren’t parts of the actual story, you can encourage your child to think outside of the box and put their problem-solving skills (as well as their imagination) to work.

Share your memories

Your child may enjoy singing the song and following along in the story, but don’t be afraid to make it personal! Share some memories you may have of playing baseball when you were young, attending games, singing the song, or maybe even eating “peanuts and Cracker Jack.”

Kayla Davitt, an employee at UMTC, has recorded the song for you to use while reading this book with your child. Singing and reading with your child is an effective way to keep their attention and also assists with a child’s ability to comprehend information. 

We hope you enjoy using this book in your homeschooling adventures! For more resources and activities to use with your children, please visit our “Resources” tab located at the top of the page.

If you are interested in purchasing Take Me Out to the Ballgame, click here to find it on Amazon.

Happy reading!