
Blog post written by Katie Pistilli.

The world is awakening from its winter slumber and the quiet hibernation of winter is nearing its end. Before we know it, the trees and flowers will be blooming! Maybe you’re already feeling a tickle in your nose from spring allergies.  In the year since our world shut down due to the pandemic, no life has gone unchanged. By bringing attention to the seasons, nature, and the sounds of spring around us, perhaps we can see that as the cycles of nature continue, so too can our lives as we know them. No matter how complicated things may seem, there is always a moment to step back and breath in the beauty around us.  

In the past couple of years, the term Forest Bathing has grown in popularity. A TIME article published in 2018 explains that the Japanese mindfulness practice heightens feelings of well-being and happiness. You don’t need to have access to a forest to reap the benefits of this practice. Nature is all around us, from the few trees on the edge of your school parking lot, to the birds flying above the city in the sky. Forest bathing is one way to practice mindfulness, and it’s as simple as taking a step out the front door! 

Go outside.  

See the changes all around you. Are there more colors in the world than there were last week? Yellow, purple, and white flowers are emerging from the soil. Green buds are popping on the trees. Using all your senses, smell the spring rain and mud. Feel the air that becomes warmer as spring settles in. Have you noticed any fresh herbs available in the grocery store? Fun fact: asparagus is usually the first crop to arrive this time of year! 

What do you hear?  

As a music lover, you may be especially sensitive to the sounds around youThe music of spring takes many forms. You may hear water flowing in a nearby creek or gutter in a parking lot. As you walk out your front doorstep in the morning, there may be birds singing a song. How many different bird songs do you hear? On a chillier day, the ever-famous winds of March may be blowing on your doorstep. Maybe you hear a neighbor’s windchime moving with the wind. 

If you are housebound due to a COVID quarantine or caretaking of a family member, you can still witness the sounds of spring. Open up a window and breathe in the air. Share a video such as the ones below with a loved one. Close your eyes, and soak in the gentle sounds. 

By reading this blog, we hope you were able to take an opportunity to relax. Think about all you, your family, and our world has been through this year. We have made it to a new season. Hopefully, this spring will bring joy in more ways than one as our towns, countries, and world continue to heal from the COVID-19 pandemic. During these endlessly uncertain times, it’s important to give yourself some grace. Take a moment with your children, your partner, or a moment alone to listen to the world around you. Life has gone on and begun again. The music of spring is here for all who care to listen for it. 

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